Lavender FBS


A sophisticated arrangement that exudes luxury, with velvety purple roses interwoven with delicate pink blooms and subtle greenery, all contained in a bespoke kraft paper box adorned with a graceful lavender ribbon. This bouquet represents a symphony of elegance and charm.

*Photo shown is single size

Flowers Used

Rose . Eustoma . Fillers & Foliage


Width*Height: 15cm*30cm

As all fresh flowers, fillers & foliage are seasonal, they are subjected to changes based on availability.

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A sophisticated arrangement that exudes luxury, with velvety purple roses interwoven with delicate pink blooms and subtle greenery, all contained in a bespoke kraft paper box adorned with a graceful lavender ribbon. This bouquet represents a symphony of elegance and charm.

Rose . Eustoma . Fillers & Foliage
Width*Height: 15cm*30cm
As all fresh flowers, fillers & foliage are seasonal, they are subjected to changes based on availability.
  • Flowers love water and a cooling environment.
  • Place them into a beautiful vase in an air-conditioned area as soon as possible.
  • Changing of the water and trimming the stems on a daily basis will help to prolong their life span too!

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